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28 April - 30 August 2006
at Bank House Merck Finck & Co.
Taubenstr. 23
10117 Berlin-Mitte
For free visit and site tour please make arrangements with +49/ 30/ 34095343 (Eisenlohr)

Two artists — two media, Drawing and Photography. Johann Zeitler and Klaus W. Eisenlohr are corresponding through their work and with a thematic focus on perceptions of urban space. The drawings follow the paths of abstraction, they may be called topographic abstractions, whereas the photographs concentrate on pictorial compositions by means of the panoramic camera.

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Photographs: Werner Wuttke

Opening: 28 April 2006
The introduction was given by Prof. Michaela Ott, Hochschule für Bildende Kunst Hamburg

The two artists know each other for more than three years. They found correlations in their discussions and work, and they have already realized a number of joint projects. The background of their collaboration can be found in the questions of "what does public space signify today?"—"which spatial structure of the urban area is being given through the influence of media?"—"which meanings may have public acts today?" In the show, drawings and photographs are facing each other. Through the dialog, the viewer is asked to find structures, signs and correlations, and to question ordinary perception. Different processes of perceptions become apparent.

In these ways, the exhibition stadtZEICHEN (citySIGNS) continues previous collaborations of the two artists, such as "Appointment". While that show has focused on the gestures of making a point, the recent exhibition promotes work of a wider scale of signification and pictorial exemplifications.

Fwd  The drawings of Johann Zeitlers embrace a clear visual language and simplification. The shown work consists of various picture series of watercolors, guache and Chinese ink. Being arranged in groups, they form larger pictorial bodies. The pictures derive partly from spontaneous creation, partly through sentient construction. Thus, the strokes of the brush or pen, drawn lines, symbols and signs comprise the pictorial space both of thoughts by the artist and of reflections by the viewer.

Fwd  The photographs by Klaus W. Eisenlohr also evolve in series. The panoramic captures of urban places in Chicago, Poznan and Berlin have mostly been taken during the time between daytime and dawn. They possess accurate compositions of viewing axis and lines of sight. The image series develop during extended research, and they simultaneously mediate beauty, the human capital and the abandonment of urban space. Furthermore, they dwell upon the vanishing of public space as it is seen by Klaus W. Eisenlohr — as a tendency in our cities and as factual experiences, and how this phenomenon varies in the US and Europe.

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        Johann ZeitlerKlaus W. Eisenlohr

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